DRESS CODES IN EDUCATION

School uniforms have been a very important part of education for years and even students in schools in different countries still wear them, either to represent an institution, to put order in the dress of students or to help parents with a good economic savings. Today I'm going to talk about school dress codes and how they have evolved over the years.

                                       UNIFORMS IS IMPORTANT FOR EDUCATION?

The school uniform helps students to be more focused in class, because it creates a more formal environment. On the other hand, if they were not in uniform, they would be more inattentive because they would be more aware of their classmates' attire. Also, wearing a uniform is a great way for parents to reduce their expenses on school clothes for their children. It doesn't generate inequality. Comparisons between students based on clothing are avoided.


  • Save money: Helps parents save money when buying their children's uniforms since it is usually a one-time expense each school year.
  • Reduction of social and economic discrimination: When students do not wear uniforms, some may wear expensive clothing and begin to discriminate against their peers.  
  • Improves student performance: The school uniform helps students to be more focused in class.
  • Increases self-esteem: The fact that all students dress alike strengthens their self-confidence and self-esteem because a sense of belonging is generated.      

                                                             DISADVANTAGES OF WEARING UNIFORMS

  • They reduce creativity and personal exploration: It doesn't allow students to show themselves as they are.
  • They can be sexist: Create differences between the sexes if girls are forced to wear skirts.
  • Uniforms more expensive: Can be more expensive than normal clothing.

In conclusion, we can say that school uniforms are very important in a school because it helps in different ways to the students because it does not generate any kind of discrimination between classmates and they can attend and understand their classes better without any distraction that allows them to be concentrated at the moment of learning. I think that this school rule should not be lost as it is a very good way to identify students and there are several advantages that help students in their learning development.


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