MY CAREER  

One of the most important challenges for students is to choose their university career and to be sure of the profession they want to practice in the future. Today I will tell you the reasons why I chose PINE as my college major at the " Universidad Nacional de Educación" 


 I chose this career as a teacher because in the future, I will be able to impart knowledge and help my students learn a new language like English, and I know that I am going to teach using various techniques so that they learn in an easier and more fun way.


Teaching is one of the most beautiful qualities because you can help any person to progress and be filled with knowledge regardless of their age or social status, you impart all your knowledge and you learn more about the subject every day. This is the reason why I want to be an English teacher. 


 English was because since I was a child I dreamed of being able to speak and When I traveled to the United States, I loved hearing how people communicated.  I feel that this career is very good because we are going to be in charge of ensuring that the level of English improves more and more in the country.

Being an English teacher and having that passion of wanting to teach people to learn another language, I think it is very important because English is the universal language and it can help people to travel or get a good job. Being a teacher is a very beautiful profession and I want to be able to achieve this goal which is to graduate and to be able to improve more and more to be able to teach my future students with different strategies and make them have a passion for learning English.
